22 service history and repairs questions to ask before buy a Used Car

Have you been thinking about buying a Used Car? Doing your due diligence can prove to be a very well spent amount of time, as this is a big decision. Forgetting to ask the right, and sometimes hard, questions can unfortunately sometimes lead to very bad outcomes. Don't forget to ask these 22 important questions you must ask in your due diligence process:

Service history and repairs questions

  • Does the car have a service history?
  • Have there been any repairs out of the ordinary?
  • Have repairs been made by professionals or the seller itself?
  • What shop(s) have been used for repairs?
  • Can the seller provide copies of invoices for previous repair jobs?
  • Will the car need any repairs in the foreseeable future?
  • Things will inevitably break. What will the next thing be?
  • How much should you budget for future repairs?
  • How many previous owners has the car had?
  • Is the service history from authorized workshop?
  • Does the service history seem legit?
  • Is the service history electronic or in paper form?
  • If paper form, does it look fake? (Same pen used, same stamps, same handwriting etc.)
  • When was the last time the brakes were serviced?
  • Does the seller have anything against you wanting to check the car at a workshop?
  • When was the A/C last serviced?
  • Does the climate in which the car has driven give you reason to suspect fx rust? (Humid climate or cold climate with salt on roads)
  • Does this certain model have any known errors? If yes; have you checked that these are fixed?
  • Have the tires been changed? If yes; When?
  • Is any equipment broken?
  • What repair shop is the seller using?
  • Have the car had regular oil changes?

...79 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 101 questions to ask before buying a used car from a private seller white paper contains even more relevant questions to ask for this situation? Get it today - it might save you a lot of money and headache.

22 service history and repairs questions to ask before buy a Used Car

22 service history and repairs questions to ask before buy a Used Car