Basic numbers questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service

Are you planning on investing in a Subscription Service? It's a big decision, so be sure that you are asking the right questions. Sometimes, being human, we can forget to ask the right questions. We have compiled a list of some of the most important basic numbers questions you need to ask in the process:

Basic numbers questions

  • How many active subscribers does the company have?
  • How many customers have unsubscribed in total?
  • How many customers have the company had in total?
  • What's the turnover on subscriptions?
  • How much is typically refunded?
  • How much does it cost to acquire a customer?

...110 more questions to ask

If you want more relevant questions to ask for your investment in a Subscription Service you should consider downloading the 116 questions to ask before starting , selling or investing in a subscription service white paper.

Basic numbers questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service

Basic numbers questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service