Starting a business with your best friend? Ask yourself these questions

Planning to start a business with your best friend? It's a big decision and doing your due diligence is key to a successful outcome. Make sure to include these 3 key questions as part of your due diligence process.

Worst-case scenarios questions

  • What does the worst-case scenario look like for you?
  • If the company was in financial distress and required a capital injection, would you both be able and willing to go ahead with this? If only one of you were willing to do so, how would you handle that situation?
  • If the company had to shut, how would you manage that while keeping your friendship intact?

...76 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 79 questions to ask before starting a business with your best friend white paper contains even more relevant questions to consider? Get your copy today, it might save you time, money and headaches!

Starting a business with your best friend? Ask yourself these questions

Starting a business with your best friend? Ask yourself these questions