11 good questions about qualifications to ask before hiring a Bodyguard

Are you about to hire a Bodyguard? There is a ton of questions to ask but here we're listing the questions that are specific to the Bodyguards qualifications.

Qualification questions

  • What is the highest educational attainment you achieved?
  • What security training or tactical license do you have?
  • Do you still have any training or certifications that you lack?
  • What basic medical knowledge do you have?
  • Do you have certifications for CPR and basic first aid training?
  • Are you planning to advance your career further with your profession? If yes, what level?
  • Did you have an instance that your license or certifications have been revoked?
  • Are you still comfortable with your current skill set? Do you need to get retrained or re-certified?
  • Which combat style are you proficient and trained?
  • What firearms are you trained in using?
  • What vehicles are you licensed to use or drive?

...52 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 63 questions to ask when interviewing a bodyguard candidate white paper contains even more relevant questions to ask when hiring a bodyguard? Get it today.

11 good questions about qualifications to ask before hiring a Bodyguard

11 good questions about qualifications to ask before hiring a Bodyguard