25 plumbing questions to ask before buying a house

Are you thinking about buying you and your family a new house? The time you spend doing your due diligence can help you avoid financial losses and uncover issues with the plumbing system. If it's an unknown area you don't have experience with, it can be difficult to remember all the questions to ask. Below you can find a list of 25 good questions to ask for this situation.

Plumbing questions

  • Is the water pressure good and constant?
  • Have any additional pumps and tanks been installed to maintain water pressure?
  • Has there been any history of leaks in the pipes or other areas?
  • Have any self-made plumbing installations been made?
  • Are all plumbing installations made by professionals?
  • How much is typically spending on water consumption?
  • How old is the water heater?
  • Are all toilets functioning as they should?
  • Have the toilets had clogging issues?
  • What material are the water pipes made of?
  • How old are the water pipes?
  • Is there any water discoloration visible in the water lines (the ones accessible)?
  • What is the condition of the drain lines?
  • Are the water taps in good condition?
  • Is there any sign of water damage anywhere in the house (i.e. ceilings, crawl spaces, and basement)?
  • Does the shower pressure provide a solid stream of water?
  • What is the condition of the sewer line?
  • Have a professional inspected the sewer line (with a camera)?
  • Has there ever been an issue with tree roots, corrosion, or clogs in some of the piping (especially the sewer line)?
  • Are there any water stains under the sinks?
  • Are there any stains around the toilet?
  • Are sounds of any screeching or rattling when turning the water on and off?
  • Do the drains empty slowly?
  • Any foul odor from the sinks?
  • Has there ever been any water damage?

...208 more questions to ask

If you need more inspiration for relevant questions to ask, when buying for a house you should download the 233 questions to ask before buying a house white paper.

25 plumbing questions to ask before buying a house

25 plumbing questions to ask before buying a house