Worst case scenario questions to ask when investing in a Auto Car Wash

Are you looking to invest, buy, or start an Auto Car Wash? The time you spend doing your due diligence can help you get a reality check on the situation in front of you. Time and time again, people have forgotten to ask specific critical questions, that then have leed to financial losses. Below you can find a list of 10 good questions to ask for this situation.

Worst case scenario questions

  • Could the business be sold to competitors?
  • What personal liabilities do the owners have?
  • Do the current owners have access to extra capital if the company needed to raise funding?
  • If the business goes bankrupt, what's the most likely cause?
  • Are the leasing companies or financial partners willing to give slack on their payment terms for a period?
  • What would happen if one of the locations burned to the ground?
  • What's the closest the business has been to a worst-case scenario?
  • What would a worst-case scenario look like?
  • How well equipped is the management/owners to deal with a worst-case scenario?
  • What is Plan B if the worst-case scenario happens?

...87 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 97 questions to ask before investing in an auto car wash white paper contains even more relevant questions to ask for this situation? Get it today - it might save you a lot of money and headache.

Worst case scenario questions to ask when investing in a Auto Car Wash

Worst case scenario questions to ask when investing in a Auto Car Wash