Financing and Leasing related questions to ask before investing in an Auto Car Wash

Are you looking to invest, buy, or start an Auto Car Wash? It can be a big decision, so make sure you do your due diligence. Being humans, it can be easy to forget otherwise very important questions to ask. Don't forget to ask these 10 important questions related to the financing and leasing agreements in your due diligence process.

Financing and leasing agreements questions

  • Is the equipment leased? If yes:
  • -What are the general terms?
  • -What�s been the down payment?
  • -Is there a way to get out of the obligations in case the company fails to turn a profit?
  • -Who owns the equipment after the leasing period?
  • -What securities have been provided?
  • Is the equipment purchased with a loan? If yes:
  • -What are the terms of the loan?
  • -What are the consequences in case of default?
  • Has the company ever missed any payments?

...87 more questions to ask

If you need more inspiration for relevant questions to ask, when investing/buying in an Auto Car Wash you should consider downloading the 97 questions to ask before investing in an auto car wash white paper.

Financing and Leasing related questions to ask before investing in an Auto Car Wash

Financing and Leasing related questions to ask before investing in an Auto Car Wash