Investing in an auto car wash? Ask these questions about the equipment specifically

Are you about to invest in an Auto Car Wash? Doing your due diligence can prove to be a very well spent amount of time, as this is a big decision. Time and time again, people have forgotten to ask specific critical questions, that then have lead to financial losses. Don't forget to ask these 14 important questions in your due diligence process.

Equipment questions

  • Is the equipment considered low- medium or high quality?
  • How much water does it take to complete a wash cycle?
  • Is water recycled?
  • What type of chemicals is being used in the washing process?
  • Is the environmental impact high or low?
  • How long is the equipment planned to last before it requires replacement?
  • What�s the procedure in case of equipment malfunctioning?
  • Is there any historical data on the reliability of the equipment?
  • Has the company ever had issues with theft or vandalism?
  • Are there security cameras installed? If yes:
  • -What�s the quality of the records?
  • -How long are the records stored?
  • Does the equipment comes with any guarantees?
  • How is the equipment insured?

...83 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 97 questions to ask before investing in an auto car wash white paper contains even more relevant questions to ask for this situation? Consider getting it today.

Investing in an auto car wash? Ask these questions about the equipment specifically

Investing in an auto car wash? Ask these questions about the equipment specifically