Top ten most important questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service

Are you about to invest, buy or start a Subscription Service? Many people forget to ask the right due diligence questions in such a situation. Being humans, it can be easy to forget the otherwise very important questions to ask. We have compiled a list of critical Top ten most important questions for you to ask.

Top 10 questions

  • What is the product?
  • What problem is the product solving?
  • How many subscribers does the company have today?
  • In terms of subscriber count, what is the average 3 month growth?
  • What is the profit margin on the product?
  • In what markets are the company active?
  • Is the company profitable?
  • How much experience does the people have with subscription services?
  • What's the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)?
  • How big is the potentiale in this subscription service?

...106 more questions to ask

Did you know that the 116 questions to ask before starting , selling or investing in a subscription service white paper contains even more relevant questions to ask for this situation? Get it today - it might save you a lot of money and headache.

Top ten most important questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service

Top ten most important questions to ask when investing in a Subscription Service